Meeting Minutes for April 18, 2019
The April 18, 2019 meeting of Logan Square Preservation was called to order at the Minnekirken at 7:12 pm by President Andrew Schneider. There were 50+ attendees including 12 board members.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved. 4 new members and other guests were recognized.
Topics of discussion
The restoration of the church windows at the former Christian Science church will be done within a week. The windows will be backlit once the project completes. The project was paid by private donations, not LSP funds.
Grace Church - negotiations are underway to creatively stop the sale of the church and instead fund the repairs and use the church for community purposes.
Boys & Girls Club - there is a hitch in the plan. The green space is to be reduced due to a conflict with city zoning requirements concerning a curb cut. The beautification committee is working with a landscape architect and also devising a plan for the large concrete sculpture presently on the lot.
Upcoming Events - Marcy organized a member meetup on March 31 that was well attended. Marcy was commended for her extraordinary efforts.
Logan Square Arts Fest - Charlie Ockerlund volunteered to be the captain of the volunteers for this event which is the last weekend in June. LSP receives a sizable donation from the fest in consideration of our volunteer efforts.
LSP Elections are in October. All executive offices and 11 board members are to be elected by the membership at the annual meeting. Election information will be sent this summer by the secretary to all members.
Presidents Report
The archives are now located at St John Berchmans. All historic LSP documents and photos will be carefully archived and stored.
Church of the Advent-the 9-unit apartment conversion is now on the market for $4.5 million. The project received negative publicity on WTTW and Block club for the renovation.
Snow removal-there is a surplus in the snow removal account.
The Whale, a new bar/restaurant will have friends and family donations.
Vicki Logan has home movies that include Milwaukee avenue in the past.
Treasurers Report-only notable expense was moving the archives
Committee Reports
Preservation & Restoration - (Kate Slattery & Barnaby Wouters)
3636 Armitage - We opposed this project due to poor design and the lack of cooperation
Emmett St - There are major design issues with this project that is suddenly moving along. Our outreach to Bickerdike and the architects have not been wildly successful.
A larger discussion then ensued with various neighbors of the project expressing dissatisfaction with the process set forth by the alderman and they felt that LSP should fight to stop it. No specific design complaints were logged nor any specific solutions. Josh Mings noted that due to tax reform there is less money available for design and materials. Gil questioned the all affordable aspect of the project and questioned how LSP went along with it without a membership vote. It was explained that the project had been discussed at general meetings numerous times and the board voted to send a lukewarm approval letter stating we would like to continue work on the aesthetics. After a lengthy and spirited discussion, Leslie asked that the topic be concluded. Kate resumed her presentation.
Graces Furniture - the developer/architects have changed again, and we are once again reviewing and suggesting façade improvements.
The Whale - Jill has been reviewing the operating conditions and so far, so good.
2831 Diversey - no update. The project was pulled back from the committee meeting. Carolyn asked for drawings, Kate said there are none available.
2221 N Kimball - a currently boarded up building will be restored.
One Tail at a Time medical center- Alderman Maldonado rejected OTATs zoning request and they will be moving their operation to the first ward.
Beautification Committee - (Shana Liberman) Shana said they are working on tree planting for the fall. The tree plan is ready, and an inventory of trees was completed. The plantings will roll out in stages, the first section being Mozart to Richmond on Logan Boulevard. The alderman approved the project and permits are in the works. City help will be needed grinding stumps and removing diseased trees.
Outreach Committee - (Steve Isakson) Steve is working on the storefront display next to Lula Café, has incorporated the lost houses of Lyndale display. The LSP newsletter has gone out via email and has been printed on hardcopies for distribution as well as posted online. (Thanks to Vicki Logan, Leslie Gray and Steve Isakson for their hard work)
The online store is expanding, and fulfillment is now handled by Josh Gartler.
Our fundraising for the church windows was handled by our own neon program resulting is a large savings on bank fees.
The next meetup event is May 9 at Middle Ground on Armitage.
Membership Committee - no report
Archive Committee - no report, moving files
Comfort Station-no report
New Business
Kay Shoes is closing
Charlie noted we need more marketing
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm