Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019
The May 2019 meeting of Logan Square Preservation (LSP) was held at the Minnekirken and brought to order at 7:06pm by president Andrew Schneider. Over 60 members were present including 11 directors and officers
Several new guests were introduced including Chad, Kathy, Cory, Johnathan & Elizabeth
The minutes from the April meeting were approved.
Steve Niketopolous screened a 5 minute video of the Centennial celebration held in October 2018.
Special guest Alderman-elect Daniel LaSpata from the first ward was present for a question and answer session. He discussed numerous topics and answered member questions. Some of the topics covered were:
The first ward zoning process will be community driven and transparent. No more pay to play in the first ward.
The alderman plans to work with LSP on zoning issues and is developing policy and a process which will be announced soon.
Several questions concerning the Emmett street development in the 35th ward
The Congress theatre project-he will need to review and try to claw back any bad decisions
The wards will be remapped after the 2020 census, likely in 2022
Dock less scooters-not sure what will happen with those.
2600 Francisco parking issues
Bicycle paths on Logan Boulevard
Extension of the Boulevard historic district to North Avenue-he is in favor
Tif $ to redesign the square, future tif proposals
Capacity of the blue line
Presidents Report
Norwegian constitution day is May 17 and a concert will be held at the Minnekirken at 730pm
Boulevard landmark extension has received support from Alderman Maldonado and with Alderman LaSpata’s support, the project should move forward.
Marcy and the events committee sponsored another successful event at Middlebrow on Armitage
Grace Church-private donors might save the church to be used as some type of community center. No firm details are available.
The Treasurers Report
There were 15 new members signed up, a donation from the arts fest was received.
The next Logan Square Arts Fest is June 28, 29 and 30 and volunteers are needed to staff the gates as we have done for the past few years.
Committee Reports
Preservation & Restoration - (Kate Slattery) Presented an extensive report of the current proposals being discussed. Among the proposals noted:
Emmett St, Grace Hotel, Logan crossing (mega mall), 2221 N Kimball, 2618 California, 2831 Diversey,3636 Armitage, 2711 Washtenaw, 3535 Wrightwood, Grace church, The Whale.
Also discussed was the Easement program.
Beautification - No updates, the tree planting plan is ongoing.
Outreach - (Steve Isakson) discussed several topics including the T-shirts, the June 2 farmers market booth, other events, Sulzen fine arts studio, Logan Square Arts Fest volunteer coordinator is Charlie Ockerlund.
Other business
The Emmett street project was discussed at length. Questions were raised concerning the process by which the proposal received a lukewarm tentative approval from the LSP board. LSP receives zoning proposals at Andy said the project was discussed at the February and March meetings and showed no movement, but then went into high gear with new support from the city. Alderman Rosa was pushing the project and wanted LSP to support it and hinted at his support of past LSP projects and those going forward. Kerry noted that he voted to send the letters at the board meeting but now felt regret in doing so. Several new members were very upset with the process and LSPs letter of support for the project, some saying we should have not done so. Jaime asked where the new members were when we were fighting the MICA towers. After a period of lively and spirited disussion, Steve Niketopolous made a motion that stated that LSP would not support or reject any midsize or larger project (20 units) unless the developer presents the proposal to the membership. There was a another lively discussion of this motion, seconded by Kerry, with numerous members weighing in. After this lengthy discussion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed 42-2.
Several closing comments and announcements were made and the meeting was adjourned at 930pm