Meeting Minutes June 20, 2019
The June 2019 meeting of Logan Square Preservation (LSP) was held at the Minnekirken and brought to order at 7:03pm by president Andrew Schneider. Over 50 members were present including 12 directors and officers
Several new guests and members were welcomed.
The minutes from the May meeting were approved with one suggestion for clarification.
Current Projects were discussed including the Logan Square Arts Festival for which volunteers were still needed for the later evening shifts.
The Presidents Report
The Mega Mall (aka Logans Crossing) is moving along with construction and the developers have agreed to landscape the lot at the northern portion of the project and also $53k was allocated in the Capital Bill to help pay for other beautification improvements near the site. The beautification committee will get involved in this project
Grace United Methodist Church-talks are still ongoing about the future of this site
Salem Church at California & McLean-the church has reached out to LSP to provide assistance in fundraising to repair their windows. Barnaby and Andrew met with the church officials to view the site.
3716 W Fullerton-the owner is looking to open a bowling alley experience
The Archives-Matt Bergstrom is heading up the archive committee and some new items have been purchased for the collection including a date stamper from the old CNW station at Maplewood and a Jewish newspaper.
The Treasurers Report
There were 16 new members signed up, 11 renewed. The Farmers market table produced 9 of the new members and sales of 23 t shirts.
Committee Reports
Preservation & Restoration - (Kate Slattery) presented an extensive report of the current proposals being discussed. Among the proposals noted:
3228 Palmer - Beautification is working on the pocket park. Emmett Street-update about city council action TBA. 3535 Wrightwood-volunteers are needed to canvass about this project. 3636 Armitage-the developer has withdrawn the proposal to change the façade of the building. The Whale-will be opening July 3.
Beverly from the Minnekirken thanked Barnaby for helping the church assess masonry issues on the façade.
Beautification - (Shana Liberman) Discussed the meeting with Forestry officials, the landscape architects and the Aldermans office about the tree planting on Logan which is moving forward. A meeting with Open Lands is planned and tree planting should occur in October.
A meeting will be held to discuss the the pocket park at the Boys and Girls Club
John Parizek announced that He and Betsy pruned trees in the monument area to make things nice for the arts festival
Membership - (Jaime Szubart) Nine new members were signed up at the Farmers Market and a meetup is being planned for August.
Outreach - (Steve Isakson) Steve discussed several topics including the June 2 farmers market booth which was deemed a success thanks to great volunteers, the latest edition of the newsletter (thanks to Vicki, Leslie Gray and Ian) which Is “now on a roll” with quarterly editions planned and his vision to expand our mission to go beyond preservation. Volunteers are still needed for the Arts Festival and were asked to contact Charlie Ockerlund to sign up.
Archive - (Matt Bergstrom) has been working at St Johns to inventory the list of items in our possession. All LSP owned items will be moving to the new office at St John Berchmann.
Old Business
It was mentioned that the Emmett street council agenda was merely a placeholder and nothing should happen until signs are posted at the site. Kathy explained the city council committee process. Barnaby said we sent a letter about changes to the project (copy available) and there was no push back on the mass, no ask for reduction in units but we did ask for façade changes, a larger community space and business/commercial space that would be beneficial to the area as well as better designed entrances for the townhomes. He felt it was unrealistic to ask for things that could not be changed and were non starters when there were things like the façade that could be changed. Kate said when a final design is ready we will discuss the matter further.
T shirts are available at our webstore,
New Business
Mayor Lori Lightfoot will appear on Steve Colbert tv show.
The Bernard Street yard sale is 10-3 Saturday.
Ronit announced the Friends of the Bloomingdale Trail (606) are having a solstice fest on Saturday from 4-10:30. It will be a family friendly event with music and fun. From Spaulding to Ridgeway on the 606.
Kate said the Pierres bakery building is in demolition and we have no input as the owner is building within the zoning currently provided.
Elizabeth Blasius will speak at the Comfort Station July 14 at 1pm about the Historic Resources Survey and demolition delays.
Steve Niketopolous is seeking co-moderators for the Logan Square community facebook page. Also noted that our elections are in October and the candidates will have a forum at our September meeting.
Comments were made about scooters. Pro and con.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm