Logan Square Preservation
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2020 via ZOOM
The April 16, 2020 meeting of Logan Square Preservation was convened via ZOOM Video Conference at 7:05pm. 44 members participated in all or part of the meeting. Ron Kaminecki hosted the meeting with President Andrew Schneider presiding.
Andrew welcomed all members to the first ever LSP membership meeting held via ZOOM video conference due to the statewide Covid 19 stay at home orders. He stressed that the organization is continuing to work and move forward despite the difficult situation and that the board will be meeting monthly to ensure continued and smooth operations.
Discussion Items
- Grace Church-the masonry work is beginning now that the warmer weather is here. The Park District has cancelled most events and discussions with them about partnering with the church are on hold.
- Local Restaurants-Many of our local restaurants need support during the shutdown so please consider ordering takeout or delivery to help them survive.
- LSP Covid19 volunteer program-Several members have volunteered to help other members that need assistance with shopping etc. No one has yet requested assistance, but help is available if needed.
- Logan Square Arts Fest-like most other festivals in the city, the LSAF will be postponed if not cancelled. This is another key fund-raising event for LSP that will affect our budget.
- Treasurers Report-Due to the postponement of the Housewalk and the LSAF, Bruce is working on revisions to the budget and hopes to present at the May meeting.
Committee Reports
- Beautification-Shana said the tree planting projects are on hold for the time being until the budget is decided and pending a decision from our partner organization Open Lands as to how they plan to proceed with events. We will not host a community-based tree planting with volunteers but could have trees planted by contractors. Also, a rendering of the garden space at the Boys & Girls Club will be sent out in May.
- Preservation & Restoration-Kate Paris outlined the various projects currently working through the committee including 2901 Milwaukee, 3027 Logan, and extension of the Landmark district to North Avenue. Questions were raised about 2831 Diversey which is waiting for a community meeting and 2708 California where the project is not moving forward. A committee report was included in the meeting announcement.
- Outreach-The next edition of the Round the Square Newsletter is coming very soon and will be online only, contain current covid19 information and interesting photos of Logan Square past and present.
- Archival-Matt said access to the physical archive is not available now due to St John Berchmans being closed so the committee is working on the online database with new software from CatalogIT and has obtained some new items for the collection.
- Comfort Station-the LSP lease with the city for the Comfort Station is being renewed, city funds are being sought for building maintenance and repairs, and the Memo of Understanding contract with the Comfort Station group is being extended.
Other business
- Grace Furniture-no updates
- Emmett St project-no updates
- 3027 Logan-the proposal to convert this building from 7 to 21 units is at the Zoning Board of Appeals. Due to the current zoning in that area, only a variance is needed. LSP opposed the conversion.
- Cannabis dispensary-Michelle Warner is working on a Community Benefits Agreement to address concerns with hours, etc.
- Hairpin Lofts Arts Center-the center is closed due to the virus and needs community $upport of local arts.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.