Logan Square Preservation
Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2020
The February 2020 meeting of Logan Square Preservation was brought to order at 7:05pm by President Andrew Schneider. Several student guests from the University of Illinois were welcomed as was Liam Wilk, the newest addition to the Wilk family, and longtime member Marilyn Drury.
The minutes from the January meeting were approved with one request to add 3061 Logan as an additional address when mentioning the cannabis dispensary proposal at 2551 Milwaukee.
- 2020 Housewalk-Michelle Warner and Charlie Ockerlund will be working on this event and volunteers will be recruited for the various project needs. The Palmer Square and Kedzie boulevard area will be the main focus of this years Walk.
- Cannabis Dispensary-A community meeting for the cannabis dispensary proposal at 2551 Milwaukee/3061 Logan will be scheduled by Alderman Waguespacks office. A zoning change has been requested for C2 from B3-3 then changed back after the dispensary is approved. Comments may be directed to zoning@logansquarepreservation.org.
Presidents Report
- Grace Church-masonry work and repairs are ongoing. Another phase is to begin in March, weather permitting.
- Mega Mall photos-Target has agreed to post historic images of Logan Square (especially auto row) in its store at Logans Crossing. Other artistic elements are also in the works.
- Grace Hotel-This project is finally moving slowly ahead after receiving approval from the city to use part of the rear alley and also the ownership of the blue line entrance parcel is soon to be resolved.
- Square Redesign-there will not be movement on this until after June 2020, per CDOT
- City Commissioner meeting-Andrew Schneider and board member Elizabeth Blasius met with City of Chicago Planning and Development commissioner Maurice Cox. Concerns were shared about teardowns in Logan Square. Also discussed were possible zoning overlays, spot upzones, and a possible pilot study on the Chicago Historic Resources Survey (CHRS) which needs to be updated.
Treasurers Report-See report
Committee Reports
Beautification-Shana discussed the community garden at the Boys and Girls Club and is working on a draft to be presented in March. Neighbors will be involved in managing the space, LSP will monitor the space and some fundraising will be needed to complete the financial cost of the space. This green space is a big victory and thanks go out to all involved including Paddy Lauber, Kerry Shintani, Bruce Anderson, Kris Lucius, Michelle Warner and the members of the committee.
Tree Planting is planned for March and volunteers will be needed.
Preservation & Restoration-Kate Paris
- 3027 Logan, a 7 unit building that the developer wants to convert to 15 units. Current zoning in the Landmark District allows for this so a downzone of this part of Logan Boulevard is being discussed to prevent further modification of the number of units in the historic buildings. Members discussed the idea in general with concerns of parking, green space and zoning variances.
- 2831 Diversey @ Mozart-the building has been demolished, LSP opposed the original project, a new community meeting is planned
- 3601 Diversey-A developer wants to demolish an historic funeral home to build new apartments. LSP opposes this project.
- 2708 California-A pet therapist wants to set up an office here and needs a zoning change per city law. LSP is working with the applicant to improve the building façade.
- 1st Ward, 1st Look-A meeting will be held at the 1st ward office on 2/27 at 6pm to discuss projects at 2013 N Point and 3600 Cortland.
- The reform of the committee is still in progress but principles and guidelines for zoning have been established.
Comfort Station-The annual dinner is April 6 at Lula Café
Outreach-A printed report was issued and is available by email request. Topics include the Newsletter, Meetups scheduled and new email addresses and availability of meeting minutes and budgets on the LSP website.
Archival-the committee is looking into software to catalog our collection and also to hire a professional consultant to help create a searchable library. Jane Michalski is working on a city grant to preserve a mural from the boys and girls club and other projects.
Old Business-the Zoning Board of Appeals will discuss 3566 Belden
New Business-the Minnekirken is now landmarked and has received a $250k grant but needs to match that amount to repair the façade and other masonry work. A “Gofundme” page has been launched.
Betsy noted that campaign signs on public property is not legal and will personally remove them so beware.
Josh Levin questioned diversity (or the lack of it) in programming at the Comfort Station. The conversation was tabled until a representative of the comfort station would be present to discuss.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm