Logan Square Preservation
Meeting Minutes
August 20. 2020
The August 2020 meeting of LSP was brought to order at 7:06pm via Zoom. 34 members attended all or part of the meeting. The minutes from July were approved (Grace/2-Chris B).
Trees-Damage to the area trees was a major topic of discussion due to the derecho storm. LSP will continue to plant trees including catalpas and trees on side streets as well as the boulevards. Fundraising specific to tree planting is underway and planting plans will be announced soon.
Bylaw revisions-the proposed bylaw changes were discussed. Kathy J expressed some concern about the change to section 3.1, but other sections were not controversial.
Presidents Report-Andrew focused mostly on the Square Redesign Project which is moving forward.
Treasurers Report-Bruce reported incoming donations for the tree fund, misc expenses, Grace Church fund expenditures and member dues.
Committee Reports
Zoning-the zoning committee was slow due to the economy. One new project is a marijuana dispensary planned for 3335 w Fullerton with details to come.
Beautification-Tree planting, legal issues with the Boys & Girls Club ownership of the corner lot were discussed. A contractor is needed, and an update will come next month. Betsy thanked her watering team including Paul Levin and Susan Faust.
Outreach-the self-guided tour was discussed and will be more promotional than revenue producing due to the pandemic. A motion was made to reduce the number of homes in the tour from 26 to 12 (Jill/2-Heidi) but was rejected overwhelmingly.
Archival-Some new postcards have been obtained and the improvements to Catalog It were discussed. The catalog can be seen at https://hub.catalogit.app/2670
Membership-the chair is now vacant, Andy is seeking volunteers for the position.
Old/New Business
A question was raised about where the tree funds appear in the budget/financial reports. The minutes are amended to reflect that the tree funds are shown on page 2 of the treasurers report.
John P asked if the Beautification committee has been meeting and is active. The minutes are amended to reflect that yes the committee is and has been meeting
The Cell towers on Logan were discussed and the evaluation process is ongoing. LSP generated over 300 emails opposing the towers and will continue to monitor the process.
Grace Furniture-building permits have been pulled so work should begin soon. The rooftop billboard will be removed.
Official email can be sent to secretary@logansquarepreservation.org or LSP@logansquarepreservation.org.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 (motion Peter/2-Kathy)