Meeting Minutes for January 17, 2019
The January 17, 2019 meeting of Logan Square Preservation was called to order at the Minnekirken at 7:15 pm by President Andrew Schneider. There were 35+ attendees including 10 board members.
The minutes of the November 2018 meeting were approved. (there was no meeting in December)
There were several guests introduced, Nicole, Laura and Mike.
Agenda topics discussed
Events Roundup
The Holiday Party was attended by over 100 members and guests. Thanks to Idealty for hosting and to Pipeworks and Bang Bang for food/beverage donations. Thanks to Marcy, Jaime and the events committee for organizing.
LSP hosted an aldermanic forum at the Norwegian Lutheran church which was well attended and at capacity. Aldermanic candidates from the 35th, 1st, and 32nd ward were in attendance and a lively discussion ensued. Thanks to Steve Niketopolous for organizing this successful event.
Presidents Report
The Grace hotel project has a new developer, changing from LG to Blue Star which has altered the plans. An agreement for $17 in benefits was signed.
The Boys and Girls Club-New Era development is planning 14 housing units, plans to demolish the annex and give the corner land as a public green space
New t-shirts and swag items are going to be created by the Peoples Garment Committee as fundraising items. 100th anniversary pins are now available for $5
Snow Shoveling-additional funding support has been given by the chamber of commerce and the Whale and Walk inn.
A new public support campaign will be undertaken to help the 7th day Adventist church repair and light their stained glass windows.
The Logan boulevard home of Fern Baker was featured on a recent episode of Chicago PD.
Hachis restaurant has closed.
Pipeworks plans to open in 2020
Landbirds is opening and serving Korean wings. (Secretary notes unclear as to why this was reported or deemed important)
Treasurers Report
Recent donations include $1500 from Chicago Bears Festival. Expenses include Holiday party, archive purchases. $1000 was received from the Whale for snow removal fund. There are 214 current members, 12 new, 16 renewals, 3 sponsors, 9 sponsor renewals.
Committee Reports
Preservation & Restoration-Barnaby Wauters reported on the Emmett Street lot development project, LSP is working with Alderman Rosa and Bickerdike to influence design of the proposed structure.
The boys and girls club building will be restored, and the corner lot returned to green space which is a major victory for preservation.
The committee is working with other groups to try to improve the design of the Congress Theatre “addition”. The zoning has been approved but the building has no design yet.
2525 Kedzie-Alderman Waguespack has stated that the current proposal is DOA and wants an open process and local input. LSP supports less density and larger units in the building as opposed to studios and transient living spaces.
LSP is meeting with Aldermen Moreno and Maldonado to extend the Humboldt boulevard historic district from Cortland to North Avenue.
Tree removal-we are working with aldermen to get dead and dying trees removed. Betsy and John compiled a tree inventory of said trees on Logan Blvd from Mozart to Richmond. Numerous Ash trees that have been infected with the Emerald Ash tree borer need to be removed before new trees can be planted.
Old Business
2831 Diversey-a meeting was scheduled to discuss this project. A zoning change was requested and concerns were raised.
3142 Diversey-a spot up zone was requested here also raising concerns.
2431 N Richmond-a zoning issue was discussed for this address
Active Transportation Alliance-This group has floated a plan to remove traffic lanes at Western and Logan and add bike lanes and a crosswalk. Alderman Waguespack supports a study of the effect of such dramatic changes to the traffic lanes and a review of alternative plans to accomplish improved safety without changing the boulevard.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm