Logan Square Preservation
Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2019
The September 2019 meeting of Logan Square Preservation was called to order at 7:08 pm by Andrew Schneider, President.
Several guests were introduced including Inez, a guest of Khloe Karova and Trevor.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved.
Agenda Items
#1 A proposal concerning Grace Methodist Church and a stock donation program.
LSP has been approached by a donor wishing to donate shares of stock to LSP that would in turn be used to partially renovate the Grace Church. In order to consider this idea, LSP would need to have a stock donation program set up. Khloe Karova of Modern Capital Concepts (and an LSP member) spoke to the group about how such a program would work. As an ongoing program, LSP could receive donations of stock which is beneficial to the donor because they can donate the stock without incurring capital gains taxes. In the case of the Grace Church, LSP would receive the stock, sell it and then use the funds for the church renovation. LSP would not incur any risk or liability. Khloe answered many questions about the program in general and there was a lively discussion about it.
In the end, a motion was made to refer the stock donation program idea to the Board of Directors for a decision which was approved by a 28-12 vote. (A decision on the Letter of Intent was also referred to the board-amended)
A motion to refer the Grace Church program to the Preservation and Restoration Committee and then back to the membership at the November 2019 meeting was not approved.
#2 The LSP annual meeting and election will be held October 17, 2019. Details were provided about voting and a last call for nominations was made.
Presidents Report-none
Treasurers Report-32 new members, 62 renewals. A question was asked if LSP should consider an audit of the books but no action was taken due to a purported cost of $15-20K.
Committee Reports
Preservation & Restoration-Kate Slattery presented a thorough and detailed report on the committee’s activities which is available upon request. A few highlights are that the Whale killed a tree and put a table over it, the Boys & Girls club is saving some limestone and some murals found during renovation, The Logans Crossing building (aka Mega Mall) will indeed have the clock face on the north building, Expansion of the Boulevard historic district is being worked on, Grace Furniture bldg is still a work in (little) progress.
Beautification-Shana Liberman announced that the tree planting grant from Open Lands was approved and trees will be planted on Logan Blvd Saturday October 5 from 9-1pm at 2909 Logan. Waterers are still needed and volunteers also. A big thanks to Shana and Betsy Elsaesser.
Outreach-Steve Isakson reported the fall newsletter was in progress, an email version will be out soon. The committee secured a venue for the election and the candidates forum at the church.
Membership-Jaime Szubart noted the new membership numbers.
Archival-Matt Bergstrom is working on outreach in the Avondale neighborhood.
Comfort Station-No report
Old Business-None
New Business-John Parizek has been appointed one of 9 mental health commissioners by Governor Pritzker for the new mental health center.
Matt & Laura of Moss Design will be creating a temporary park at Diversey & Francisco on Friday September 20
Matt Bergstroms Lyndale street exhibit will be at the Swedish Museum from October-December and there will be a walking tour of Lyndale on October 4.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17pm